We are going to attempt to post regular updates on the recovery of our husband and father following his accident on Friday, August 24th. Many of the entries will be written by me (Chip), his youngest son. Mom and my brother George, III (also known to many as Skeeter) may also add comments and postings along the way. Since we started this blog on Day 4, we backtracked to fill in the first few days. Intro documents are pre-dated to the 23rd to keep things in order.
The primary reason for this blog is to be as proactive as possible in sharing information with our extended family and all the wonderful friends who are continually expressing their thoughts, prayers and concerns regarding our family and Dad's recovery.
We want to be sure we are sharing the same message with everyone, and it was getting difficult to remember who we had called or who we had emailed. Hopefully by collecting our updates in one spot, as many who want to follow along can do so, and the address for this online blog can be disseminated to as many folks who will stand by us in this time and pray with us for a speedy recovery. (Thanks in advance for that!)
The secondary reason is to keep a record of this journey which we are on, so that one day Dad can go back and see where he had been, and have revealed to him how blessed we are.
Comments, words of encouragement, questions ... they are all welcome. Each post will have a comments link at the bottom. This is our first foray into the world of blogging, so hopefully we'll do it justice.
Dad ... if you are reading this for the first time ... we love you and stood by you united all the way.