Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day 4

Mom's birthday. I won't reveal her age! But Happy Birthday, Helen Bush!

The CT scan is becoming something we hinge on ... determining where we are in the process. Today's CT scan shows marginal improvement in the swelling. They decided to try diuretics and another medication to help reduce the swelling. Mom said that it looks like he's got more fluid output today, so the medications must be doing their job. We won't know for sure until the next scan.

He is a little more mobile today ... raising his knees in the bed and lowering them. He's turned his head from side to side, and even opens his eyes slightly every now and then. Mom said she turned on the TV to give her something to watch. He also raises his hand every now and then. Mom said she would hold it and rub it to keep it warm.

They introduced a feeding tube today to help start him back on sustenance in his stomach. Probably a good thing, since more fluids are being removed. Mom is maintaining a balance between being at the hospital all day and keeping up with her "little job" of bookkeeping, which she loves and shows great dedication for. We're praying for great news from tomorrow's CT scan.

Looking forward, Dad will eventually be moved out into a room on the 7th floor but outside the NCCU. Then he will go into rehab, which will either be inpatient on the 5th floor, or outpatient, hopefully at the St. Mary's facility on 316 much nearer to Mom and Dad's house. We're praying that it all passes by quickly!

(Ed Note: This brings us up to the present, so the entries will now be written more closely with the time at which it happens. Feel free to use the "comments" link below if you have any questions. We'll try to answer them the best way we know how. Thanks!)