Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A NEW Blogger Signs In!

We welcome a brand-new blogger tonight -- George (Irvin) himself! Here is his message for everyone.

I got home after lunch today and it is grrrreat to be home! I have to be careful and not do any bending over or stooping, and no driving, until approved by Dr. Semenoff. Otherwise I can do pretty much what I want to, within reason. I am feeling good but I can tell I've been out of commission for a while.

Visiting hours on Lane Creek Drive are more relaxed than at the hospital. Please just call before coming (706-769-1380) to be sure we will be at home, because I have visits scheduled with three doctors, I will be going for out-patient therapy but I don't have that schedule yet, I have to make up a cancelled dentist visit, and I have to get a haircut SOON!

I can't tell you all how much I appreciate your concern for all of us. I am looking forward to reading the daily blogs and comments that were posted, because a lot of the past three weeks are unknown to me.

I would enjoy hearing from you by e-mail. Send to gibushjr@yahoo.com and every morning I will be on the computer reading e-mail or playing solitaire or something like that. Skeeter has set up a separate computer for me, so I don't have to "borrow" the one in Helen's office when she is not using it. Now that is what I call good.

Best wishes to all,
George (or Irvin, depending on what you call me)


Bushes 5 said...

Dad ... it's GREAT to hear/read your voice, even from the other side of the world. Welcome home.

We love you,
Chip and family

Unknown said...

George, it is such GOOD news to hear that you are home. I am sure that will make you feel much better. Keep up the good work and we will keep you in our prayers. Hopefully being home and in familar surroundings will help you to continue your progress.
Mac & Pat

Anonymous said...

GRRREAT NEWS! Continue to improve; follow the rules and soon you will be all well! Not sure who makes the rules - but I am sure (for awhile) it won't be YOU.

Jerry & Judye Johnson

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is great to hear that you've made such progress in so short of a time, Irvin. We know that being home and under Helen's watchful care, your progress will be even more remarkable. We continue to hold each of you in our thoughts and prayers.
Teresa and Herbert Victor

Anonymous said...

Hey Goodlooking!!!

Skeeter sent me a text that you were home. I am so happy for you and for your family. I know Helen is glad to have you home. You all have been in my prayers and on my heart. Take good care of yourself and keep up the good progress you have been making.

Love ya bunches!
Kim Tyner Bartee